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Equipment Needed for Basic K9 Obedience

Please take a moment to watch this video prior to the start of K9 Basic Obedience class

Things to know prior to the start of class...


1.  No sandals in class... must be closed toed shoes (sport / running shoes preferred).  You will be walking quickly and sometimes possibly running!


2.  Family is welcome... but must remain in the viewing area (Behind the cones)... only handlers working dogs will be allowed in the training area.


3.  All dogs must remain on a leash at all times.


4.  Please come to class in a 6 foot leash... Always!


5.  Only use one command... DO NOT REPEAT YOUR COMMANDS!!!


6.  Keep your left hand off the leash while training.


7.  Keep all dogs at least 6 feet apart.


8.  Aggressive dogs (towards people or other animals) must have a muzzle on!  No Exceptions!!!


9.  All dogs shall only have one collar on (Choke Chain)... Remove all flat collars prior to training.


10.  Anyone handling the dogs must have a waiver signed and on file.  (Dog training is a dangerous sport and can cause injury or death).


11.  It is our recommendation that all handlers have a portable crate at home during the training class (We will discuss this in class).  Confine you dogs 20 min. prior to training!


12.  We prefer one dog, one trainer... although if you want to team train it can be done, but you will get the best results with one trainer!


13.  Equipment you should NOT use... Prong Collars, Harnesses, or E-Collars (Unless instructed to).


14.  How do you feed?  Demand or Free feed?  Do you which is better?


15.  Homework... yes there is homework 6 nights a week!  2 times a day for about 10 minutes each.


16.  If you walk your dog daily... talk with an instructor about this the first 2 weeks of class.


17.  Can I pay half now and half later?  No Sorry... we do not offer payment plans!


18.  Come with an open mind, and be willing to learn... Have fun!!!



Call anytime... 805-390-3583

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